Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August is almost half over!!

I don't want summer to end. I love summer. I am tired of winter. OK, enough I's. This will be our 23rd Autumn. A very beautiful season. Having moved from Hawaii, experiencing the 4 seasons is beautiful. Missing the awesome Hawaii weather is bittersweet. We returned in 2005, our first trip home since moving here. It was wonderful. I returned again in January 2006 with my oldest some and his family. His wife was also born and raised in Hawaii. As I get older in years (not in spirit) the winters in Central Oregon never seem to end until well into June. And yet there have been years when summer was a very short two week period. So, every warm to hot day is cherished by my bones and muscles and much appreciated. I love Central Oregon, we have roots here. I just need to get my attitude adjusted and dig in for Winter, which should arrive around October, or November. It's been known to have a little winter, then a little spring, then back to blizzard winter, then mid-winter spring. You get the idea! Aloha for today!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Time on my hands...........

Almost a year ago I started this blog. Like too many things at my age, I almost immediately forgot about it. Several times over this 'year' I would think about it, but had forgotten what name I chose. Tonight, I just decided to Google It asked for my email address and password and that, my friends, is how easy it was to return to my spot. I have no intention of catching up on lost time, so the most recent news would be finally finding and purchasing a used car to replace my truck. I have not done much car-shopping in my life, and so I will confess that it was an ordeal. I dislike trying on cars as much as I dislike trying on shoes and clothes. When I sat in this last car, I knew immediately it was the right fit! Now I can go driving down the road in a clean machine that doesn't break the bank at the gas pump. Feels real good! By clean machine, I mean a good looking used car, which does happen to be forest green (I am not a tree hugger). I have always wanted a dark green car, now I own one. A Honda Accord. First time and lifetime owner. I can still be driving this rig at 75, 16 more years!!! Lovin' it. And its only been 7-1/5 hours. Tomorrow I will learn how to download or upload pictures of some of my scrapbooking pages. That's my only true passion now-a-days. I have 2 grandsons you see and lots of time to catch up on all the pictures of my 3 children from birth to now. I don't do chronological, I like random and everyday life. Aloha for now.....